Horizon Blend

App Name: Horizon Blend
App Category: Business
Price: Free 0

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Our app provides the bakery owner with tools to improve business management, improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Here are the main functions of the application:

- The bakery owner will be able to track the stock of ingredients in the warehouse.
- The app will warn you about possible shortages and tell you when to restock.
- You can set alerts about the expiration dates of ingredients to avoid using expired products.
- It is possible to plan and manage the baking process.
- The application will provide the opportunity to create recipes and record the necessary ingredients for each product.
- You can set the time and technological stages of the cooking process to optimize production.
- The application will provide sales statistics that allow you to evaluate the popularity of specific products and identify trends.
- Information about the average receipt, the number of sales for a certain period and other important indicators will be displayed.
- It will be possible to change the currency of the sales display to conveniently handle amounts in different currencies.
- The application will provide an opportunity to mark the presence and absence of employees, view working time statistics and an assessment of completed tasks.

The application will help the bakery owner to manage the business more effectively, optimize production and increase customer satisfaction.

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