Aha Monster – South America –

App Name: Aha Monster - South America -
Developer: Kazuya Takayama
App Category: Education
Price: 4,99 USD

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Catch Monsters Emanating from World Heritage Sites and Stimulate Your Brain!

Our new app transports you to the enchanting vistas of World Heritage Sites, but with a twist. 
Hidden within each scene is a special monster, waiting to be discovered. 
By using this app to find and capture these monsters, you will undergo an "Aha! Experience," activating your brain like never before.

Why is the Aha! Experience so important?
Scientific studies suggest that these moments of realization can activate new neural circuits in the brain, enhancing creativity and problem-solving abilities. 
With this app, you have the power to awaken your "rotten brain," dramatically improving performance in your daily life.

Tap the screen to locate monsters and stimulate your brain. 
Each discovery not only activates your brain further but also liberates you from the stresses of daily life, enriching your existence.

Download now to uncover the secrets hidden within World Heritage Sites and embark on an adventure that will stimulate your brain!

Language Support:
This app supports multiple languages and is available in the following:


Feedback and Suggestions:
We welcome your opinions, feedback, and requests for additional features.

■■■ App End-User License Agreement ■■■

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