AI Chef : Food Recipe Creator

App Name: AI Chef : Food Recipe Creator
Developer: Steward Technologies Ltd
App Category: Food & Drink
Price: Free 0
Rating: 1 stars
Reviews: 1

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Discover endless culinary possibilities with AI Chef: Food Recipe Creator! Whether you're a novice cook or a seasoned chef, our app revolutionizes how you approach cooking. Effortlessly generate recipes tailored to your available ingredients, dietary preferences, and even worldwide cuisines.

No need to stress about missing ingredients – AI Chef suggests alternatives, ensuring you can whip up delicious meals with what you have on hand. Plan your meals with ease, thanks to our intuitive meal planning feature.

With AI Chef, cooking becomes a delightful adventure. Unleash your creativity in the kitchen and explore diverse flavors from various cuisines. From Italian pasta dishes to spicy Thai curries, there's something for every palate.

Key Features:

Generate recipes based on available ingredients
Explore recipes from different cuisines and dietary preferences
Plan your meals efficiently
Easily substitute ingredients
Localized for seamless use in your preferred language
Get inspired to cook like a pro with AI Chef – download now and let the culinary journey begin!
Subscription required for full access to app features.

License agreement:

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