
App Name: CarEnergyAccumulation
Developer: Muhammad Rafaqat
App Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free 0

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CarEnergyAccumulation is a multifunctional comprehensive application that records refueling and carbon emissions. Every time you refuel, you can record it through CarEnergyAccumulation. The main contents of the record include date, last mileage, current mileage, and oil price. The unit price, the total price you spent, the total capacity of the refueling, and the carbon emissions of this refueling are calculated by entering the kilometers.

You can save this information and classify it by date, so that you can know your refueling and other information at a glance.

Note: You must clearly understand the basic units of gallons and liters to avoid calculation errors.

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All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.