Debtor Tracker

App Name: Debtor Tracker
Developer: Nguyen Thi Nguyen
App Category: Utilities
Price: Free 0

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It is designed to help users maintain information about all their loans, closely monitor debt repayments, and maintain a detailed history of all transactions made. The application has the following features:

1. Loan Recording and Accounting: Users can create loan records by specifying the amount, repayment date, interest and notes. This will help them accurately track details of each loan, avoiding confusion or forgetting important details.

2. Repayment tracking: The application provides functionality that allows users to track the repayment status of each loan. It will remind you of upcoming repayment dates so that users can take the necessary actions to repay the debt in a timely manner.

3. Detailed transaction history: The application saves a detailed history of all transactions related to loans. Users can view this information at any time, allowing them to easily track which loans were made, when they were repaid, and what interest was accrued.

Thus, this application provides a convenient and reliable way to record debts, helping users monitor their loans, control their repayment and maintain a detailed history of all transactions for economic analysis.

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All application data and information was acquired from Apple's public RSS Feeds.